Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is our main concern. The internet security is getting more undefended day by day. The data misuse can be a big threat to any company or organization. In our sites ,  we collect some personal identifying information from our clients and students which are required and we can ensure that this information will be used only when necessary.

We have to take some information regarding bank transaction but those can be shared with a bank or for any financial purpose to do the transaction. We don’t share any of your personal information to anyone unless any government or court issues.

In our site, we use your personal identification information such as your name, address, email address and some other information.

So, we have established this policy to make you understand that how we gather, use, communicate and make use of your personal data

How we collect your information?

Maybe you will be asked to provide your name, address, email address, phone number or some other personal identifying information willingly to deliver our services or products which you have requested.

We also use advanced technology to collect data like cookies to know the time of visits, how many visitors come and how much time spend at our site and IP addresses.

What Do We Do With Your Information That You Provide to Us?

What information we collect from you can be used in many ways such as to deliver your services and products that you have requested, to let you know our regular updates or newsletters, to provide customer support and to get customer’s feedback, to progress our site related stuffs and to stay connected with you by sending emails, text messages on phone, about our services or maybe to get an opinion from you.

We may reveal your information if we are legally forced to do so, in other words, if the law requires it or to protect our legal rights or government issues.

We can ensure you that any information about you we have, will not be sold, transferred or exchanged with any other unaffiliated parties without approval or anyone outside our organization.

While you are visiting our website the following information you must know about our privacy policy.


Cookies are actually small pieces of information which are stored by your browser on your computer hardware. When you visit a site then the site asks permission to your computer to store this file as a part of your hard drive which is known as cookies. Cookies specially collect data from your browser. We can collect anonymous data such as IP address of your device. By collecting anonymous data from the cookies we can update the site to make it more useful for you and other visitors.

Cookies can be protected from your browser settings. If you don’t allow cookies to access your browser then you may miss some features or functionality of the site.

IP Addresses

The IP address is such a number that is used by a computer on the network to identify your computer. IP address can be collected automatically by the web server. IP addresses are used whenever you are connected to the internet through your computer.


We have advanced technology to protect your information. When you provide any confidential information through the website then your information is protected for both online and offline. All your Personal identifying data is stored on our protected servers, and there is a firewall at a data center behind with a restricted control of data access.

It is strictly prohibited to use, sell, rent, and copy any part such as images, videos or any contents from this site, and any illegal action or any unauthorized use of this website without approval may result as a criminal offense or a public action.

Email Data

While you are registering to our site for any purpose if you prefer to communicate with us through email that time we may keep the content of your email along with your email details.

We offer the equal securities for these electronic mails that we do with online collected data. These actually happen if you are registering to our site to sign up by using your email ID through our provided any forms from our website.

We are bound to keep your email ID confidential. We do not sell or rent your email details or personal data to anyone unless asked by any government authority by law.


The CAN-SPAM Act is a law which sets the rules for business email, creates necessities for commercial messages, offers recipients the right to stop you emailing them, and spells out hard penalties for violations.

In the compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act, which emails are sent from our website will obviously state that from where the e-mail comes and give the clear information on how to communicate with the sender.

Additionally, every email messages will have the short information on how to get rid of yourself from our mailing list so that you don’t receive any further email from our site.

Choice Option

Our site offers their users the chance to opt-out of getting any communications from us and our associates’ companies by reading the unsubscribe guidelines situated at the bottom of any email they receive from us.

External Links to the Website

Our websites  may have links to many other websites. We don’t give a guarantee the accurateness of information that found at any linked site. Any Links to or from external sites are not controlled by the site.

By knowing all this privacy policy, you are approving that you are to be bound by these websites all Terms and Conditions of Use, all relevant things, rules and regulations, and approve that you are liable for compliance with any appropriate local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms and conditions then you are forbidden from using or getting any services of this site. The resources enclosed in this site are protected by applicable copyright and law.

Property Rights

Any content, copyrights, trademarks, official document and other logical property rights in and on our website and all contents, images videos and others available on the site are the own property of the The use of our intellectual property including contents, video contents, images, and trademarks are prohibited without any written agreement from the site.

You must not do

=> Illegal Use of any material from our website without a written approval
=> Copy, rent, sell or any kind of trading with the material from our website
=> Content sharing with other organization, individuals or website from our website

Conventional Use

You approve to use our website only for legal purposes, and in a way that does not overstep the rights of restrict or prevent someone else’s use and satisfaction of the website. Prohibited activities include troublesome or causing distress or embarrassment to any other user, spreading offensive or violent content or trouble making the usual tide of dialogue within our website.

You must not use our web content for any kind of commercial advertisement or promotion or related purpose without our direct written approval.

Limited Access

In future, we may need to provide limited access of our website partly or total website and we have full authorization to do any changes any time, in that case, we will provide your username and passwords to access the limited part of the website. You just need to keep both username and password confidential.

Use of Testimonials

Recommendations or references are shown on this site are in reality received via audio, text, or video submission. Those are given from individual involvements, reflecting real life experiences who have received services or products in some way. They are individuals so the individual result can differ. This is not mandatory to represent their testimonials who have used our services or who will use.

These testimonials may display in any form on our sites such as video, audio, and text which can be repeated. Some testimonials may have been summarized. In a word, when it seems too long or we realize that the whole statement is not relevant for our site, or not for regular visitor then the whole message given by writer may not display completely.

This is not a blog posting or forum for declarations, though offers testimonials by visitors mean sharing their experience with one another.

To defend against misuse, all testimonials are shown after they have been reviewed by our management team. We do not share with others any of the opinions, reviews or commentary of any testimonials on our site.

The testimonials are not anticipated to make any claims that our products and services can be used to analyze or establish.

How Do We Protect Your Data and Secure Data Transmissions?

Actually, the communication through an email is not really very secure medium. This is why we request to you not to send any private or confidential information to us through email.

Though instead of knowing these if you are doing so is allowed, it is your own responsibility. Some of the data, the information you may provide to our website may be transferred securely through a secure medium which is called Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL. Credit Card or any bank information, any financial data and other sensitive information are never conveyed through an email.

We may use any tools or software programs to generate summary statistics, which can be used for such purposes as evaluating the number of visitors to the different areas of our site and which information is most and least popular to the visitor, defining technical design terms, and categorizing system performance or difficulty.

For site safety and to make sure that this service remains available to all users. The site uses the latest technology to observe the network traffic to recognize unlawful efforts to upload or modification information, or others otherwise which can cause destruction.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

We don’t ensure any warranty or guarantee of accuracy or inclusiveness of the content contains on the website and related links.

All the materials we have provided on our site without any kind of warranty, no violation of property or capability for any particular purpose.

Privacy Policy Changes

We reserve all the rights to change our privacy policy at any time without any notice or on a short notice.

We also have the full independence to change any part of the website anytime without your concern but you may receive an updated email from the site.

We can ensure that we will not use any of your personal information you have provided to us under this privacy policy in a manner that is significantly changeable with this privacy policy, without your former approval.

We are loyal to leading our business in agreement with these principles so that we can ensure that the privacy of personal information is completely protected and kept safely.